Cody S. Brothers

Western Analog Photographer

Cody S. Brothers is a native New Mexican photographer currently residing in Pecos, NM. He and his wife Nikkol are the owner operators of Visions Photo Lab in Santa Fe, NM. His photographic journey began as an adolescent when his grandfather gave him a Canon AE-1 after returning from a voyage overseas.

He proceeded to learn how to operate the camera to capture images as references for drawings and paintings. His early artistic influences centered mostly around painters; Da Vinci, Dali, Delacroix, and Picasso. However, he was inspired at a very young age to pursue adventures to many of the iconic locations and National Parks of the West, because of the black and white imagery of photographers such as, Adams, Gilpin, Strand and Weston.

Cody is self-taught, reliant upon 30+ years of experience working in, and now operating a photo lab. His expertise as a technician and printer ensure his personal involvement in all aspects of his photography from image capture and development, to print production and finish. He works exclusively with B&W films using a range of cameras including 4x5, 6x9, 6x17, 8x10 and a variety of pinhole cameras. He tends to lend his focus to vast panoramic landscapes, abandoned places and endless skies; in an attempt to capture the dreamscape state of his minds-eye.

He has completed commissions for the state of Nevada, documenting their water reclamation resources, and art deco architecture of the dams, pumping stations and water resources along the Colorado River. In 2016, he was awarded the NEA’s “Imagine Your Parks” Grant, with the sponsorship of The Springs Preserve of Las Vegas, NV., commemorating the Centennial of the founding of the National Parks Service. Upon receiving the grant the NPCA (National Park Conservation Association) sponsored a show of his National Parks imagery at the Russell Rotunda Senate Office Building in Washington D.C. Most recently, in January 2020 he servedas Artist in Residence in Death Valley NP, and in October 2020 at Shenandoah NP.

Cody’s most recent projects have focused on pinhole photography. Completing year long daily photographic projects “Through the Pinhole 2012” and “Through the Pinhole 2020”; and an almost decade long documentation of “NYC Through the Pinhole”.

Cody is represented by galleries in Denver, New York City, and Santa Fe. His work is part of the permanent collections of New Mexico Art in Public Places, New Mexico History Museum, Springs Preserve in Las Vegas, NV., and the University of New Mexico.

Click HERE to view Brothers’ CV