Happy “Belated” New Year

Hello again to you all; and a belated “Happy New Year”!

I know, I know; it’s February already, and most of you are thinking to yourself, “he’s been gone so long he’s not even aware what month it is!” First, I am aware of the month, and how long it has been, and second, please forgive my prolonged absence. Although, it was much needed, in more ways than one.

Every year seems to arrive with it’s share of changes and transitions, however, this one has a number that are as big as any I can remember. So without any boring and gory details I’ll leave it at... that is what I’ve been tending to over the last couple of months. Most of the time, sad to say, life comes before creativity and art.

I do have many things planned for this year. I look forward to sharing them and the year with you as I go. First photo adventure/trip is at the end of next month. Continuing working on 2 ongoing collaborations; and hopefully beginning some new ones.

The images I will be sharing over the course of this month were taken since the opening of my last exhibit in November at Foto Forum here in Santa Fe. Many, many thanks to all of you who supported that; it was a wonderful success, and I was very humbled by the love and turnout for it.

Glad to be back with you!


“Natural Abstracts”, Ice at Vallecito Lake, CO.

Part of a new series of work in collaboration with my friend and colleague Attasalina.

Captured on Kodak TriX film with a Fuji 6x9 and a yellow filter.

One of my new ventures this year is to begin collaborations with other photographers, both here in Santa Fe and New Mexico, and abroad. With the goal of creating new bodies of work outside of my normal boundaries.


What’s Next?