2020 Through the Pinhole 366 Project
Throughout 2020 I worked on a daily project; capturing at least 1 4x5 pinhole shot each day. In 2012, I produced a similar project, “Through the Pinhole, 2012”, using a smaller camera and had great results and a lot of interest in the project. Both projects were inspired not only by my interest in the pinhole camera and capture; but, mainly to document a year that numerically had significance and were leap years, having an extra day. However, who could have predicted what this past year’s significance would be at this time last year? I hope you enjoy these.
A daily photographic project documenting the year 2020 with a 4x5 pinhole camera, using standard black and white films.
I-40 Dino
Joshua Tree Playa Double Exposure
Pecos Tree Tops
Rhyolite Bank Double Exposure
Shenandoah Trail