What’s Next?
To follow up on my last correspondence and where we left off; “What is next? What are my plans for my work in the future?”
As I previously mentioned, this is not the easiest question to answer. Let’s first start with what I know that I have planned for this year.

Happy New Year
As 2023 closes, I would like to take a moment to reflect on it and thank all of you who follow me and my work as both continue to evolve. I sincerely appreciate it and look forward to building on it moving into this upcoming year.

Colorado River: Artfully Engineered
Showcases the Bold Beauty of Western Water
New fine art photography exhibition opens Sept. 30 at Springs Preserve in Las Vegas, Nevada.
Explore the style and function of Art Deco design in western water facilities through the stunning black-and-white pinhole photography of Cody S. Brothers as the Springs Preserve hosts Colorado River: Artfully Engineered, opening Sept. 30 and running through May 6, 2024.

Large Format Film Photography Workshop in Santa Fe, New Mexico
Workshops are always an exciting endeavor. Being asked to participate and assist in the development and evolution of another’s creative process is an honor.

Click! Exhibition Opening
Artist Reception and Dinner at Bishop’s Lodge Santa Fe, NM.